文嘉  副教授 岳麓学者   湖南大学环境科学与工程学院 | 环工英才

副教授,博士生导师,岳麓学者,芙蓉学者青年学者,湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师。澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)土壤学博士学位。在澳大利亚从事环境咨询工作三年,曾为RABQSA 国际认证环境审计师。主要研究方向是土壤污染修复、新能源固废资源化研究。近年来以第一作者/唯一通讯作者在土壤和水体重金属污染修复方面发表成果40余篇,授权/申请国家发明专利6项。现为国家自然科学基金评议专家、湖南省土壤、地下水和农业农村环境污染防治专家库专家、长沙市科技库评审专家、国际环境毒理和化学学会(SETAC)会员、国际水协会(IWA)会员、中国土壤学会会员、中国化学会会员。现担任SCI期刊Sustainability(IF 3.3)编委、客座编辑,SCI期刊Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management(IF 3)编委,获评IEAM Exceptional Reviewer (2023、2024)。多次参加国际学术会议并进行大会发言/特邀报告8次。荣获湖南大学优秀班主任(2017),湖南大学年度教学优秀奖(2018、2020、2022)。


1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(2015-2017)、面上基金(2024-2027) 主持人
2.湖南省自然科学基金青年基金(2019-2021)、面上基金(2023-2025) 主持人
3.长沙市自然科学基金 (2023-2025) 主持人
4.企业委托横向项目1项 (2023-2025)  主持人
5.长沙市重点研发项目 (2018-2021) 主持人
4.国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室开放基金 (2022-2023) 主持人
5.重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 (2022-2025) 主持人


[1] Cheng, W.X., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Yang, W. 2024. Removal of hexavalent chromium using one-step synthesized metal-polyphenol composites epigallocatechin gallate/titanium: Performance, interference, and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12:111866

[2] Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Cheng, W.X., Zhang, Y.X., Zhou, Y.C., Zhang, Y.R., Yang, L.S., 2023. Highly efficient removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater using electronegative SA/EGCG@Ti/SA/PVDF sandwich membrane. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 459:132079

[3] Zhang, Y.R., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Zhou, Y.C., Wang, J.J., Cheng, W.X., 2023. Novel efficient capture of hexavalent chromium by polyethyleneimine/amyloid fibrils/polyvinyl alcohol aerogel beads: Functional design applicability, and mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458:132017

[4] Yang, C.L., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Xue, Z.Z., Yin, X.Y., Li, Y.F., Yuan, L., 2023. The accumulation and toxicity of ZIF-8 nanoparticles in Corbicula fluminea. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 127:91-101

[5] Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Yang, L.S., 2022. Transport of ZIF-8 in porous media under the influence of surfactant type and nanoparticle concentration. Water Research, 218C: 118490

[6] Yang, L.S., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), 2022. Can DLVO theory be applied to MOF in different dielectric solvents? Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 343: 112166
[7] Yang, L.S., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Wang, Q., Cui, H.S., 2022. Effect of solution chemistry on the stability and transport of ZIF-8 in saturated porous media. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(3):107562

[8] Li, Y.F., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Xue, Z.Z., Yin, X.Y., Yuan, L., Yang, C.L., 2022. Removal of Cr(VI) by polyaniline embedded polyvinyl alcohol/sodium alginate beads − Extension from water treatment to soil remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 426:127809.

[9] Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Xue, Z.Z., Yin, X.Y., Wang, X., 2022. Insights into aqueous reduction of Cr(VI) by biochar and its iron-modified counterpart in the presence of organic acids. Chemosphere, 286:131918

[10] Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Hu, X.H. 2021. Metal selectivity and effects of co-existing ions on the removal of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr by ZIF-8-EGCG nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 589:578-586

[11] Yuan, L., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Xue, Z.Z., Li, Y.F., Yang, C.L., Yin, X.Y., 2021. Microscopic Investigation into Remediation of Cadmium and Arsenite Cocontamination in Aqueous Solution by Fe-Mn-incorporated Titanosilicate. Separation and Purification Technology, 279:119809.  

[12] Xing, L., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Yan, C.Y., Wang, Q., Hu, X.H., Xue, Z.Z., 2021. Improving the microenvironment of Cd-contaminated river sediments through humic substances washing and zeolite immobilization. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 146: 779-788.

[13] Yan, C.Y., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Wang, Q., Xing, L., Hu, X.H., 2021. Mobilization or immobilization? The effect of HDTMA-modified biochar on As mobility and bioavailability in soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 207, 111565.

[14] Wang, Q., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Hu, X.H., Xing, L., Yan, C.Y., 2021. Immobilization of Cr(VI) Contaminated Soil using Green-tea Impregnated Attapulgite. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278,123967.

[15] Hu, X.H., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Zhang, H.B., Wang, Q., Yan, C.Y., Xing, L., 2020. Can epicatechin gallate increase Cr(VI) adsorption and reduction on ZIF-8? Chemical Engineering Journal, 391:123501.

[16] Fang, Y., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Zhang, H.B., Wang, Q., Hu, X.H., 2020. Enhancing Cr(VI) reduction and immobilization by magnetic core-shell structured NZVI@MOF derivative hybrids. Environmental Pollution, 260:114021

[17] Zhang, H.B.1, Wen, J.1*(文嘉,通讯作者), Fang, Y., Zhang, S.Y., Zeng, G.M., 2019. Influence of fulvic acid on Pb(II) removal from water using a post-synthetically modified MIL-100(Fe). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 551: 155-163.

[18] Zhang, S.Y., Wen, J.*(文嘉,通讯作者), Hu, Y., Fang, Y., Zhang, H.B., Xing, L., Wang, Y.X., Zeng, G.M., 2019. Humic substances from green waste compost: an effective washing agent for heavy metal (Cd, Ni) removal from contaminated sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 366:210-218

[1] 授权国家发明专利。文嘉,方颖,曾光明,彭志龙,张思宇。一种利用无氟助剂碳酸钠制备MIL-100(Fe)的方法及应用。
[2] 授权国家发明专利。文嘉,曾光明,易元杰,彭志龙。利用改性沸石分子筛修复重金属污染底泥的方法和农田土壤的改良方法。
[3] 授权国家发明专利。文嘉,张思宇,曾光明,方颖,章海波。一种腐殖质制备及其修复重金属污染底泥的方法。
[4] 授权国家发明专利。文嘉,方颖,章海波,曾光明,张思宇。纳米零价铁-金属有机框架核壳材料的制备方法及其应用。
[5] 申请国家发明专利。文嘉,张玉茹。毫米级 PEI/AFL/PVA 气凝胶及其制备方法和应用。
[6] 申请国家发明专利。文嘉,成文杏,汪齐,阳丽莎,崔洪生。SA/EGCG@Ti/SA/PVDF 夹层膜及其制备方法和应用。

研究方向: 土壤污染修复;固体废物污染控制及资源化研究;应用于修复重金属和有机污染物的新材料的制备 (欢迎有兴趣的同学加入课题组)
联系方式: 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院,环境馆西308室,邮编:410082
Dr Jia Wen
College of Environment Science and Engineering,
Hunan University,
Yuelu District, Changsha, P.R.China.

   更新时间:2024-03-22    阅读次数:8588次                                                    简历更改