谭小飞,四川巴中人,环境科学与工程博士,湖南大学环境学院副教授,博士生导师。入选国家青年人才、湖南省青年人才、湖南省优秀青年科学基金、湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师、全球前2%顶尖科学家职业长期影响力榜单(2023、2024)、全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单(2020-2024)、全球权威科学研究网站 Research. com 发布的Rising Star of Science Award(2022-2024)。在Environmental Science & Technology 、Water Research、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental等期刊上发表论文 100 余篇。1 篇论文获2015年度“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,2015-2019年中国环境科学领域热点论文榜第 2 名,2014-2018年中国环境科学领域热点论文榜第 7 名;5 篇论文为 ESI 0.1% 热点论文,12 篇论文为 ESI 1% 高被引论文;1 篇论文获 ELSEVIER Highly Downloaded Article Award(2019年)。在科学出版社主编出版著作 1 部,合作出版著作 1 部。授权国家发明专利 15 项,已完成专利成果转化 4 项。
教育经历 (1) 2014-09至2017-06, 湖南大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 博士, 导师:刘云国教授、曾光明教授 (2) 2012-09至2014-06, 湖南大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 硕士, 导师:刘云国教授、曾光明教授 (3) 2008-09至2012-06, 兰州大学, 资源环境学院, 学士
工作经历 (1) 2020-12至今, 湖南大学, 环境科学与工程学院,副教授,博士生导师,环境工程系副主任 (2) 2017-07至2020-12, 湖南大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 助理教授,硕士生导师
学术兼职 兼任Frontiers in Environmental Science副主编,《农业环境科学学报》青年编委;并担任Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal等多个国际SCI期刊审稿人,获ELSEVIER ET&I Outstanding Reviewer Award(2021)。
研究方向 (1) 农村和城市废物资源化利用; (2) 功能化生物炭在生态环境修复中的应用; (3) 水土重金属、有机物污染修复; (4) 环境自清洁材料。
科研项目 (1) 国家重点研发计划“场地土壤污染成因与治理技术”专项“有色金属采选冶聚集区遗留污染场地生物修复技术”项目子课题,2020-2024,在研,主持; (2) 国家自然科学基金联合基金,U20A20323,堆肥(或堆肥化)与生物炭联合修复洞庭湖湿地(水稻地)污染土壤的方法及机理研究,2021-2024,在研,参加; (3) 湖南省自然科学基金优秀青年项目,2022JJ20009,生物炭基湿地修复技术研究,2022-2024,在研,主持; (4) 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2021JJ30123,磁性生物炭纤维石墨多孔化结构设计及去除水体中有机砷的效能和机理研究,2021-2023,在研,主持; (5) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51809089,铁掺杂石墨化多孔磁性生物炭耦合过硫酸盐氧化体系去除水体中雌激素的过程和机理研究,2019-2021,已结题,主持; (6) 湖南省重点领域研发计划,2019NK2062,外源物质和金属螯合剂对提高苎麻重金属吸附效率与机理以及土壤和污水重金属污染修复与示范应用研究,2019-2021,已结题,主持; (7) 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2018JJ3040,生物炭/粘土矿物复合材料修复洞庭湖镉污染湿地沉积物及其微观机制研究,2018-2020,已结题,主持; (8) 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,51521006,湖泊污染湿地修复,2016-2021,已结题,参加。
主要获奖及荣誉 (1) 国家青年人才(2023); (2) 湖南大学优秀教师(2023); (3) 湖南省青年人才(2022); (4) 湖南省优秀青年科学基金(2022); (5) 湖南省青年科技人才(2022); (6) 湖南大学教学优秀奖(2022); (7) 湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师(2021); (8) 湖南大学优秀班主任(2021); (9) 全球前2%顶尖科学家(2020-2022); (10) Rising Star of Science Award(Research. com, 2022-2024); (11) 中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(2016)。
近年代表性研究成果 研究论文: (1) Yang H., Qiu R., Tang Y., Ye S., Wu S., Qin F., Xiang L., Tan X.*, Zeng G.*, Yan M., Carbonyl and defect of metal-free char trigger electron transfer and O2•− in persulfate activation for Aniline aerofloat degradation, Water Research, 231 (2023) 119659. (2) Fang Q., Yang H., Ye S., Zhang P., Dai M., Hu X., Gu Y., Tan X.*, Generation and identification of 1O2 in catalysts/peroxymonosulfate systems for water purification, Water Research, (2023) 120614. (3) Shu Z., Qiu R., Tang Y., Zhao N., Chen Q., Yang H., Li H., Deng Y., Liu S., Gu Y., Tan X.*, Coalescence of As(II) with •OH: The pivot for co-processing of As(III) and butyl xanthate, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 455 (2023) 131589. (4) Li H., Qiu R., Tang Y., Duan X., Gu Y., Yang H., Chen Q., Shu Z., Xiang L., Liu S., Tan X.*, Formation of Fe(IV) over a wide pH range via iron-carbon composite-catalyzed persulfate activation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 461 (2023) 141951. (5) Xiang L., Almatrafi E., Yang H., Ye H., Qin F., Yi H., Fu Y., Huo X., Xia W., Li H., Yan M., Zhou C., Zeng G.*, Tan X.*, Coupled carbon structure and iron species for multiple periodate-based oxidation reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 455 (2023) 140560. (6) Ye S., Tan X., Yang H., Xiong J., Zhu H., Song H., Chen G., Catalytic removal of attached tetrabromobisphenol A from microplastic surface by biochar activating oxidation and its impact on potential of disinfection by-products formation, Water Research , 225 (2022) 119191. (7) Tan X.*, Deng Y., Shu Z., Zhang C., Ye S., Chen Q., Yang H., Yang L., Phytoremediation plants (ramie) and steel smelting wastes for calcium silicate coated-nZVI/biochar production: Environmental risk assessment and efficient As(V) removal mechanisms, Science of the Total Environment , 844 (2022) 156924. (8) Yang H., Ye S., Wang H., Zhou C., Xiong T., Deng Y., Fu Q., Zeng G., Zeng Z.*, Tan X.*, Insight into disinfection byproduct formation potential of aged biochar and its effects during chlorination, Journal of Environmental Management , 317 (2022) 115437. (9) Yang Y., Tan X., Almatrafi E., Ye S., Song B., Chen Q., Yang H., Fu Q., Deng Y., Zeng Z., Zeng G., Alfalfa biochar supported Mg-Fe layered double hydroxide as filter media to remove trace metal(loid)s from stormwater, Science of the Total Environment , 844 (2022) 156835. (10) Chen G., Fu Q., Tan X.*, Yang H., Luo Y., Shen M., Gu Y., Speciation and release risk of heavy metals bonded on simulated naturally-aged microplastics prepared from artificially broken macroplastics, Environmental Pollution, 295 (2022) 118695. (11) Ye S., Xiong W., Liang J., Yang H., Wu H., Zhou C., Du L., Guo J., Wang W., Xiang L., Zeng G.*, Tan X.*, Refined regulation and nitrogen doping of biochar derived from ramie fiber by deep eutectic solvents (DESs) for catalytic persulfate activation toward non-radical organics degradation and disinfection, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 601 (2021) 544-555. (热点论文,高被引论文) (12) Yang Y., Ye S., Zhang C., Zeng G.*, Tan X.*, Song B., Zhang P., Yang H., Li M., Chen Q., Application of biochar for the remediation of polluted sediments, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 404 (2021) 124052. (13) Yang H., Ye S., Wang J., Wang H., Wang Z., Chen Q., Wang W., Xiang L., Zeng G.*, Tan X.*, The approaches and prospects for natural organic matter-derived disinfection byproducts control by carbon-based materials in water disinfection progresses, Journal of Cleaner Production, 311 (2021) 127799. (14) Fang Q., Ye S., Yang H., Yang K., Zhou J., Gao Y., Lin Q., Tan X.*, Yang Z.*, Application of layered double hydroxide-biochar composites in wastewater treatment: recent trends, modification strategies, and outlook, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2021) 126569. (15) Ye, S., Cheng, M., Zeng, G.*, Tan, X.*, Wu, H.*, Liang, J., Shen, M., Song, B., Liu, J., Yang, H., Zhang, Y., 2020. Insights into catalytic removal and separation of attached metals from natural-aged microplastics by magnetic biochar activating oxidation process. Water Research, 115876. (高被引论文) (16) Chen, Q., Tan, X.*, Liu, Y.*, Liu, S., Li, M., Gu, Y., Zhang, P., Ye, S., Yang, Z., Yang, Y., 2020. Biomass-derived porous graphitic carbon materials for energy and environmental applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(12), 5773-5811.(高被引论文) (17) Ye, S., Zeng, G.*, Tan, X.*, Wu, H.*, Liang, J., Song, B., Tang, N., Zhang, P., Yang, Y., Chen, Q., Li, X., 2020. Nitrogen-doped biochar fiber with graphitization from Boehmeria nivea for promoted peroxymonosulfate activation and non-radical degradation pathways with enhancing electron transfer. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 269, 118850.(热点论文,高被引论文) (18) Zhang, W., Tan, X.*, Gu, Y., Liu, S.*, Liu, Y., Hu, X., Li, J., Zhou, Y., Liu, S., He, Y., 2020. Rice waste biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures for arsenic and cadmium abatement and detoxification in sediment. Chemosphere, 250, 126268-126268. (19) Zhang, P., Tan, X.*, Liu, S.*, Liu, Y., Zeng, G., Ye, S., Yin, Z., Hu, X., Liu, N., 2019. Catalytic degradation of estrogen by persulfate activated with iron-doped graphitic biochar: Process variables effects and matrix effects. Chemical Engineering Journal, 378.(高被引论文) (20) Ye, S., Yan, M. , Tan, X., Liang, J. , Zeng, G.*, Wu, H. *, Song, B., Zhou, C., Yang, Y., Wang, H., 2019. Facile assembled biochar-based nanocomposite with improved graphitization for efficient photocatalytic activity driven by visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 250, 78-88. (热点论文,高被引论文) (21) Zhang, P., Liu, S.*, Tan, X.*, Liu, Y., Zeng, G., Yin, Z., Ye, S., Zeng, Z., 2019. Microwave-assisted chemical modification method for surface regulation of biochar and its application for estrogen removal. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 128, 329-341. (22) 谭小飞, 刘云国,曾光明,张辰,2019.生物炭材料及其在水体中污染物去除领域的应用.科学观察, 14(6), 44-47. (中国环境研究热点论文特约稿)
著作: 谭小飞,张辰,叶淑静,曾光明,农村和城市固体废物资源化:生物炭的制备及应用,2022,科学出版社。
部分专利: (1) 谭小飞,刘云国,顾岩岭,曾光明,刘少博,胡新将,王慧,周璐,李婷婷,江卢华;一种Mg/Al水滑石修饰的生物炭复合材料及其制备方法与用途;ZL 2016100149439. (2) 谭小飞,刘云国,顾岩岭,曾光明,刘少博,闫芝丽,蔡晓曦,胡新将,王慧,龚梦婷;一种氧化降解水体中抗生素类药物的CMC稳定化纳米MnO2的制备与应用;ZL 2016104706253. (3) 谭小飞,刘云国,曾光明,蔡晓曦,顾岩岭,张鹏,张薇,胡新将,李江,张辰,肖尧;一种石墨化生物炭及其降解水体中有机污染物的方法,ZL 2018112382255. (4) 谭小飞,朱峰,方移,王琪诗,邓熊昊,王文豪,宫芷璇,吴瑭珊;一种基于太阳能的农业生物质废物热解装置,ZL 2020222756572. (5) 谭小飞,刘佳琦,胡新将,付倩敏,李江;一种光催化自清洁复合涂料及其制备方法,ZL 2021108058161.