李彩亭,男,河南汝南人。工学博士,教授,博士生导师。现任中共湖南大学环境科学与工程学院党委书记。国家教育部首届(2004年)“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”获得者。2003年受加拿大CIDA项目资助,在加拿大University of Regina进行合作研究。受国家留学基金委资助,2005年-2006年在德国Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg进行合作研究。
教学: 讲授本科生课程《大气污染控制工程》,硕士生课程《大气污染防治原理》、《除尘技术原理》,博士生课程《除尘脱硫设备及技术》。
科研: 近几年主持主研国家自然科学基金、国家“863”计划、国家重点研发计划、部省级科研项目和横向科研开发项目等30多项。研究开发的“燃煤烟气除尘脱硫技术与装置”系列技术已成功应用到全国10多个省(市、区)。 近期研究重点:烟气多污染物(尘、SO2、NOx、Hg、VOCs)控制,烟气超低排放控制,挥发性有机物污染控制,烟气污染控制数值模拟,空气复合污染及控制对策研究等。
主持的主要科学研究项目(按时间先后): (1)湖南省科委项目,湿式消烟添加剂研究(97SSY1062); (2)湖南省科委重点项目,中小型燃煤锅炉烟气除尘脱硫(99SSY1005-3); (3)湖南省科委重点项目,锅炉脱硫除尘综合治理技术及成套设备的研制与开发(00SSY1007-1); (4)湖南省自然科学基金重点项目,湿法控制燃煤窑炉黑烟污染新方法研究(03JJY2002); (5)教育部科学技术研究重点项目,基于表面活性机理控制燃煤窑炉黑烟污染的研究(105126); (6)教育部新世纪人才支持计划,烟气净化技术与理论研究(NCET-04-0769); (7)国家自然科学基金项目,基于表面活性和混凝机理控制燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟污染的理论与方法(50878080); (8)湖南省科技计划项目,工业燃煤锅炉烟气湿法脱硫脱硝技术研究与示范([2008]GK3118); (9)长沙市科技计划项目,除尘脱硫装置的数值模拟及优化设计(k0803114-11); (10)教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,基于CFD的新型除尘脱硫装置的数值模拟; (11)长沙市科技重大专项,烟气减量排放与脱硫脱硝关键技术的研发与产业化重大专项——SCR法脱硝工艺及装备研究与产业化(K0902006-31); (12)湖南省科技重大专项,烟气净化共性关键技术研发与示范工程(2010XK6003); (13)国家“863计划”主题项目子课题,工业锅炉活性焦干法脱硫脱硝脱汞技术与示范(2011AA060803-3) (14)国家自然科学基金项目,基于脱硝催化剂稀土改性脱除燃煤烟气单质汞的理论与方法(51278177); (15)国家自然科学基金项目,活性焦改性同时脱除烟气中的单质汞和VOCs的理论与方法(51478173); (16)长沙市科技计划项目,生活垃圾焚烧烟气净化技术研究及应用(K1502028-31); (17)国家重点研发计划项目子课题,燃煤工业锅炉活性焦干法超低排放控制技术(2016YFC0204104-3); (18)湖南省重点研发计划项目,挥发性有机物污染控制关键技术研究(2018SK2030); (19)湖南省重点研发计划项目,高硫挥发性有机物吸附/催化氧化技术(2018SK2032); (20)国家自然科学基金项目,改性活性焦干法协同脱除钢铁烧结烟气中SO2、NOx、Hg和二噁英的理论研究(52270102)。
主要科研获奖(按时间先后): (1)1996年5月,烟气湿式除尘脱硫技术,国家教委科技进步二等奖,排名3; (2)1996年12月,熔铝炉烟气净化技术,机械工业部科技进步三等奖,排名2; (3)1998年12月,砷硫矿湿法提砷新技术,国家机械工业局科技进步三等奖,排名5; (4)2001年12月,清洁生产方法制备砷的新技术,湖南省科技进步二等奖,排名5; (5)2003年11月,废塑料裂解制取液体燃料技术的研究及示范工程的建设,湖南省科技进步一等奖,排名3; (6)2005年11月,冶炼烟气脱硫新技术--湍球、旋流板组合成套技术及装备的研究开发及示范工程,湖南省科技进步三等奖,排名3; (7)2005年12月,冶炼烟气脱硫新技术及装备的研究开发及示范工程,中国机械工业科技奖二等奖,排名3; (8)2006年11月,套筒式湿法除尘脱硫技术与装置,湖南省科技进步三等奖,排名1; (9)2007年12月,PCF型燃煤烟气湿法除尘脱硫技术,中国机械工业科学技术奖三等奖,排名1; (10)2012年11月,二0一二年度宝钢优秀教师奖,宝钢教育基金理事会。
代表性论文(按时间先后): 1. Wei Zhang, Cai-Ting Li*, Xian-Xun Wei, Hong-Liang Gao, Qing-Bo Wen, Xiao-Peng Fan, Xin Shu, Guang-Ming Zeng, Wei Wei, Yun-Bo Zhai, Yi-De He, and Shan-Hong Li. Effects of Cake Collapse Caused by Deposition of Fractal Aggregates on Pressure Drop during Ceramic Filtration. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(10):4415–4421. 2. Mengying Zhang, Caiting Li*, Long Qu, Mengfan Fu, Guangming Zeng,Chunzhen Fan, Jinfeng Ma, Fuman Zhan. Catalytic oxidation of NO with O2 over FeMnOx/TiO2: Effect of iron and manganese oxides loading sequences and the catalytic mechanism study. Applied Surface Science,2014,300:58-65. 3. Long Qu, Caiting Li*, Guangming Zeng, Mengying Zhang, Mengfan Fu, Jinfeng Ma, Fuman Zhan, Diqiang Luo. Support modification for improving the performance of MnOx–CeOy/γ-Al2O3 in selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal,2014,242:76-85. 4. Y.J. Xiao, C.T. Li*, S.H. Li, G.M. Zeng, Q.B. Wen,G.Q. Guo, J.K. Song. Optimal design of a wet-type desulphurization absorber by the numerical simulation method. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2014,92(7):1257-1266. 5. Jingke Song, Caiting Li*, Pei Lu, Qingbo Wen, Qi Zhan, Yapei Zhao. The Combined Action of Surfactant Mixture and Flocculants for Black Carbon Removal. Separation Science and Technology. 2014,49(3):424-431. 6. Jinfeng Ma, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Jingke Song, Guangming Zeng, Xunan Zhang, Yine Xie. Study on removal of elemental mercury from simulated flue gas over activated coke treated by acid. Applied Surface Science, 2015,329 :292–300. 7. Yine Xie, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Xunan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Shasha Tao. Experimental study on Hg0 removal from flue gas over columnar MnOx-CeO2/activated coke. Applied Surface Science,2015,333:59-67. 8. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Jie Zhang, Xunan Zhang, Fuman Zhan, Jinfeng Ma, Yin, e Xie, Guangming Zeng. Promotional effect of CeO2 modified support on V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst for elemental mercury oxidation in simulated coal-fired flue gas. Fuel,2015,153:361-369. 9. Ming’e Yu, Caiting Li*,Guangming Zeng, Yang Zhou, Xunan Zhang ,Yin’e Xie. The selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over a novel Ce-Sn-Ti mixed oxides catalyst: Promotional effect of SnO2. Applied Surface Science,2015,342:174-182. 10. Xunan Zhang , Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Yin’e Xie, Ming’e Yu. Simultaneous removal of elemental mercury and NO from flue gas by V2O5-CeO2/TiO2 catalysts. Applied Surface Science, 2015,347: 392-400. 11. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Xunan Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Jie Zhang, Yin’e Xie. A review on oxidation of element mercury from coal-fired flue gas with selective catalytic reduction catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5(7): 3459 – 3472. 12. Huiyu Wu, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Yin’e Xie, Xunan Zhang, Yan Wang. Removal of gaseous elemental mercury by cylindrical activated coke loaded with CoOx-CeO2 from simulated coal combustion flue gas. Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (10): 6747–6757. 13. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Shanhong Li, Yan Wang, Junyi Zhang, Teng wang, Guangming Zeng. Simultaneous removal of Elemental Mercury and NO in Simulated Flue Gas over V2O5/ZrO2-CeO2 catalyst. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,2016,198:420-430. 14. Lingling Zhou, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Guangming Zeng, Lei Gao, Yan Wang, Ming’e Yu. The poisoning effect of PbO on Mn-Ce/TiO2 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 at low temperature. Applied Surface Science,2016,389:532-539. 15. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Yan Wang, Huiyu Wu, Lei Gao, Jie Zhang and Guangming Zeng. Simultaneous removal of elemental mercury and NO from simulated flue gas using CeO2 modified support on V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst. Catalysis Science & Technology,2016,6:6076-6086. 16. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Xunan Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Jie Zhang, Yin’e Xie. Oxidation of Elemental Mercury by modified spent TiO2-based SCR-DeNOx-catalysts in simulated Coal-fired Flue Gas.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016,23(2):1471-1481. 17. Yan Wang, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Yin’e Xie, Xunan Zhang, Guangming Zeng, Huiyu Wu, Jie Zhang. Study on the removal of elemental mercury from simulated flue gas by Fe2O3-CeO2 /AC at low temperature. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016,23(6):5099-5110. 18. 喻明娥,李彩亭*,王琰,周玲玲,高磊. 以改性TiO2-SnO2为载体的SCR脱硝催化剂性能. 环境工程学报,2016,10(7):3733-3738. 19. Teng Wang, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Junyi Zhang, Shanhong Li, Guangming Zeng. The catalytic performance and characterization of ZrO2 support modification on CuO-CeO2/TiO2 catalyst for the simultaneous removal of Hg and NO. Applied Surface Science,2017,400:227-237. 20. Junyi Zhang, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Teng Wang, Shanhong Li, Guangming Zeng. A Sol-gel Ti-Al-Ce-nanoparticle catalyst for simultaneous removal of NO and Hg0 from simulated flue gas. Chemical Engineering Journal,2017,313:1535-1547. 21. Jiawen Zeng, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Lei Gao, Xueyu Du, Jie Zhang, Le Tang, Guangming Zeng. Removal of elemental mercury from simulated flue gas over peanut shells carbon loaded with iodine ions, manganese oxides, and zirconium dioxide. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31 (12):13909–13920. 22. Jingjing Sheng, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Xueyu Du, Lei Gao, Guangming Zeng. Efficient removal of HCHO from simulated coal combustion flue gas using CuO-CeO2 supported on cylindrical activated coke. Fuel,2017,197:397-406. 23. Lei Gao, Caiting Li*, Pei Lu,Jie Zhang,Xueyu Du, Shanhong Li, Le Tang, Jiaqiang Chen, Guangming Zeng.Simultaneous removal of Hg0 and NO from simulated flue gas over columnar activated coke granules loaded with La2O3-CeO2 at low temperature.Fuel,2018,215:30-39. 24. Xueyu Du, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Jie Zhang, Lei Gao, Jingjing Sheng,Yaoyao Yi, Jiaqiang Chen, Guangming Zeng. Promotional removal of HCHO from simulated flue gas over Mn-Fe oxides modified activated coke. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2018,232:37-48. 25. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Guangming Zeng, Lei Gao, Yunbo Zhai, Teng Wang, Junyi Zhang. Effect of Co addition on the performance and structure of V/ZrCe catalyst for simultaneous removal of NO and Hg0 in simulated flue gas. Applied Surface Science,2018,437:390-399. 26. Jiaqiang Chen, Caiting Li*, Shanhong Li, Pei Lu, Lei Gao, Xueyu Du, Yaoyao Yi. Simultaneous removal of HCHO and Elemental Mercury from flue gas over Co-Ce oxides supported on activated coke impregnated by sulfuric acid. Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,338:358-368. 27. Lei Gao, Caiting Li*, Jie Zhang, Xueyu Du, Shanhong Li, Jiawen Zeng, Yaoyao Yi, Guangming Zeng.Simultaneous removal of NO and Hg0 from simulated flue gas over CoOx-CeO2 loaded biomass activated carbon derived from maize straw at low temperatures. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018,342:339–349. 28. Yaoyao Yi, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Xueyu Du, Lei Gao, Jiaqiang Chen, Yunbo Zhai, Guangming Zeng. The synthetic evaluation of CuO-MnOx modified Pinecone Biochar for simultaneous removal Formaldehyde and Elemental Mercury from simulated flue gas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018,25(5):4761-4775. 28. Le Tang, Caiting Li*, Lingkui Zhao, Lei Gao, Xueyu Du, Jiawen Zeng, Jie Zhang, Guangming Zeng. A novel catalyst CuO-ZrO2 doped on Cl− activated bio-char for Hg0 removal in a broad temperature range. Fuel,2018,218:366-374. 29. Lingkui Zhao, Caiting Li*, Shanhong Li, Xueyu Du, Junfeng Zhang**, Yan Huang. Simultaneous removal of Hg0 and NO in simulated flue gas on transition metal oxide M' (M'=Fe2O3, MnO2, and WO3) doping on V2O5/ZrO2-CeO2 catalysts. Applied Surface Science,2019,483: 260-269. 30. Miao Liu, Caiting Li,*, Qiang Zeng, Xueyu Du, Lei Gao,Shanhong Li, Yunbo Zhai. Study on removal of elemental mercury over MoO3-CeO2/cylindrical activated coke in the presence of SO2 by Hg-temperature-programmed desorption. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,371:666-678. 31. Lei Gao, Caiting Li*, Shanhong Li*, Wei Zhang, Xueyu Du, Le Huang, Youcai Zhu, Yunbo Zhai, Guangming Zeng. Superior performance and resistance to SO2 and H2O over CoOx-modified MnOx/biomass activated carbons for simultaneous Hg0 and NO removal. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,371:781-795. 32. Qiang Zeng, Caiting Li*, Shanhong Li*, Miao Liu, Xueyu Du, Lei Gao, Yunbo Zhai. Adsorption and oxidation of elemental mercury from coal-fired flue gas over activated coke loaded with Mn-Ni oxides. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019,26(15):15420-15435. 33. Yue Lyu, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Youcai Zhu, Yindi Zhang, Shanhong Li. Catalytic removal of toluene over manganese oxide-based catalysts: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,27(3):2482–2501. 34. Yue Lyu, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Youcai Zhu, Yindi Zhang, Shanhong Li. Catalytic oxidation of toluene over MnO2 catalysts with different Mn (II) precursors and the study of reaction pathway. Fuel,2020,262:116610. 35. Yindi Zhang, Caiting Li*, Youcai Zhu, Xueyu Du, Yue Lyu, Shanhong Li, Yunbo Zhai. Insight into the enhanced performance of toluene removal from simulated flue gas over Mn-Cu oxides modified activated coke. Fuel,2020,276 :118099. 36. Jie Zhang, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Lei Gao, Shanhong Li, Yindi Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Yaoyao Yi. Promotional removal of gas-phase Hg0 over activated coke modified by CuCl2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(15):17891–17909. 37. Youcai Zhu, Caiting Li*, Yue Lyu, Shanhong Li*, Yindi Zhang, Xueyu Du, Yunbo Zhai. Insight into the effect of SO2 on the Hg0 removal performance over a 1V8Ce/AC sorbent at low temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,402: 123502. 38. Xueyu Du, Caiting Li*, Jie Zhang, Lingkui Zhao, Shanhong Li, Yue Lyu,Yindi Zhang, Youcai Zhu, Le Huang. Highly efficient simultaneous removal of HCHO and elemental mercury over Mn-Co oxides promoted Zr-AC samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021, 408:124830. 39. Binghong Song, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Shanhong Li, Yindi Zhang, Yue Lyu, Qihao Zhou. Superior performance of Cu-Ce binary oxides for toluene catalytic oxidation: Cu-Ce synergistic effect and reaction pathways. Fuel,2021,306:121654. 40. Jie Zhang, Caiting Li*, Xueyu Du, Shanhong Li, Le Huang. Recycle of waste activated coke as an efficient sorbent for Hg0 removal from coal-fired flue gas. Fuel, 2022,324:124645. 41. Caixia Liang, Caiting Li*, Youcai Zhu, Xueyu Du, Yifu Zeng, Yihui Zhou, Jungang Zhao, Shanhong Li, Xuan Liu, Qi Yu, Yunbo Zhai. Light-driven Photothermal Catalysis for Degradation of Toluene on CuO/TiO2 Composite: Dominating Photocatalysis and Auxiliary Thermalcatalysis. Applied Surface Science, 2022,601:154144. 42. Qi Yu, Caiting Li*, Dengsheng Ma, Jungang Zhao, Xuan Liu, Caixia Liang, Youcai Zhu, Ziang Zhang, Kuang Yang. Layered double hydroxides-based materials as novel catalysts for gaseous VOCs abatement: Recent advances and mechanisms. Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2022,471:214738.
主要授权专利(按时间先后): (1)李彩亭,魏先勋,曾光明。套筒式湿法除尘脱硫装置。ZL03124674.5。 (2)李彩亭,李珊红,袁兴中,肖辰畅。斜板水膜式湿法除尘脱硫装置。ZL200420069313.4。 (3)李彩亭,肖辰畅,李珊红,崔箫,曾光明。伞罩型湿式除尘脱硫装置。ZL200420069314.9。 (4)李彩亭,崔箫,李思民,魏先勋。过滤式除尘器。ZL200420069315.3。 (5)李彩亭,彭敦亮,路培,李珊红,邓久华,张巍。一种多通道文丘里湿法废气净化装置。ZL201020106224.8。 (6)李彩亭,路培,赵亚培,曾光明,谢旭文,李珊红。一种用于高效净化黑烟的非离子复配阳离子型表面活性吸收液及其配制方法。ZL201110052983.X。 (7)李彩亭,路培,李珊红,曾光明,文青波。一种中低温选择性催化还原脱硝催化剂制备方法。ZL201110052425.3。 (8)李彩亭,赵伟伟,李珊红,路培,曾光明,张星。一种以γ-三氧化二铝为载体的中低温SCR脱硝催化剂及其制备方法。ZL201110453171.6。 (9)李彩亭,文青波,方鑫,赵亚培,肖育军。一种除尘脱硝一体化装置。ZL201210130210.3。 (10)李彩亭,文青波,路培,赵伟伟,范春贞。一种烟气脱硝装置。ZL201220189036.5。 (11)李彩亭,肖育军,李珊红。一种加环旋流板分离器。ZL201510801870.3。 (12)李彩亭,宜瑶瑶,李珊红,高磊,杜雪雨。一种用于脱除有害气体的催化剂及其制备方法和应用。ZL201710493679.6。 (13)李彩亭,朱有才,李珊红,赵骏刚,杜雪雨。一种CeO2 纳米颗粒及其制备方法和应用。ZL202110732214.8。
主要学术与社会服务兼职: 中国环境科学学会大气环境分会理事,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,国家科学技术奖励网络评审专家,科技部国际科技合作计划评价同行专家,科技部创新基金管理中心专家成员,工信部钢铁行业烧结烟气脱硫工艺技术后评估专家库专家,中华环保联合会能源环境委员会节能减排专家组成员,多个省(市)的科技项目和奖励评审专家,国内外多个学术刊物论文审稿人。省、市、区政府部门的顾问或专家。 |